Mariana Stjerna
The Earth’s Inner World
SoulLink Publisher
©2013 Mariana Stjerna and SoulLink Publisher
All Rights Reserved
ISBN 978-1482733464 (sc)
ISBN 978-91-978399-1-4 (ebook)
Also available on Kindle
First printed in Swedish 2010
Support with translation and publishing: Aaron Rose, USA
Front cover from black and white picture by Max Fyfield, Denmark
Other books in English by Mariana Stjerna:
On Angels Wings (2013)
The Bible Bluff (2013)
Mission Space (2013)
The Invisible People (2014)
SoulLink Publisher
1. Saved by Beings from Inner Earth
2. Agartha — A Paradise Inside the Earth
3. An Important Mission for Tim
4. Sad Tidings in Seattle
5. The Trip to Sweden
6. An Impossible Mission
7. Tim’s New Family
8. Back Underground
9. A Tour of Telos and Its Vicinity
10. A Fond Reunion and a New Acquaintance
11. A Fascinating Trip
12. A Real Live Dragon!
13. Nancy and Ellie Return Home
14. Meeting Saint Germain
15. Magical Buildings
16. Shamballa — A Paradise Inside the Earth
17. An Exciting Encounter with Wild Animals
18. The Love Union
19. Back to Normality and Tourists in Agartha
20. The Purpose of Pets
21. Lessons Begin
22. The Temple of Belief and a Meeting with Melchizedek
23. Visiting the In-Laws
24. The Cardinal from the Vatican
25. Festivities in Agartha
26. Visiting an Agarthan Orphanage
27. How the Earth Will Change
28. Indian Wisdom and the Fire of Life
29. Old Mother Sjaluna’s Gift
30. With the Aborigines
31. The Birthplace of Mankind, Africa
32. A Completely Different China
33. Another Encounter with Saint Germain
34. The House of Transformation
35. Author’s Epilogue