About the Book
About the Author
Title Page
Welcome to Ambridge
Frequently Asked questions
Characters by Forename
The Archers Family Tree
Alice Aldridge
Brian Aldridge
Debbie Aldridge
Jennifer Aldridge
Phoebe Aldridge
Ambridge Hall
Ambridge Organics
Ben Archer
David Archer
Helen Archer
Jill Archer
Josh Archer
Kenton Archer
Pat Archer
Phil Archer
Pip Archer
Ruth Archer
Tom Archer
Tony Archer
Christine Barford
Mandy and India Beesborough
Lilian Bellamy
Neville and Nathan Booth
Borchester Land
Bridge Farm
Brookfield Farm
The Bull
Lewis Carmichael
Christopher Carter
Neil Carter
Susan Carter
Casa Nueva
Stephen Chalkman
Ian Craig
Matt Crawford
Ruairi Donovan
Rachel Dorsey
The Estate
Fat Paul
Derek and Pat Fletcher
Wayne Foley
Alan Franks
Amy Franks
Usha Franks
Bert Fry
Freda Fry
Grange Farm
Grange Spinney
Grey Gables
Clarrie Grundy
Ed Grundy
Eddie Grundy
Emma Grundy
George Grundy
Joe Grundy
William Grundy
Grundys’ Field
Dr Deepak Gupta
Nicola (Nic) Hanson
Bunty and Reg Hebden
Home Farm
Clive Horrobin
The Horrobins
Maurice Horton
Jaxx Caff
Satya Khanna
Marshall Latham
Alistair Lloyd
Daniel Hebden Lloyd
Jim Lloyd
Shula Hebden Lloyd
Lower Loxley Hall
Adam Macy
Kate Madikane
Lucas Madikane
Kirsty Miller
Elizabeth Pargetter
Lily and Freddie Pargetter
Nigel Pargetter
Jamie Perks
Jolene Perks
Kathy Perks
Sid Perks
Heather Pritchard
Robert Pullen
The Stables
Fallon Rogers
Graham Ryder
St Stephen’s Church
Annabelle Schrivener
Silent Characters
Lynda Snell
Robert Snell
Caroline Sterling
Oliver Sterling
Mabel Thompson
Sabrina and Richard Thwaite
Edgar and Eileen Titcombe
Abigail (Abbie) Tucker
Brenda Tucker
Hayley Tucker
Mike Tucker
Roy Tucker
The Village Shop
Willow Farm
Hazel Woolley
Jack Woolley
Peggy Woolley
Now in its tenth edition, Who’s Who in the Archers has become a perennial favourite among the show’s listeners. It’s the first point of reference when those niggling questions arise, such as:
How old is David Archer?
What does Jessica do at Lower Loxley?
Where does Derek Fletcher live?
Who works at Jaxx Caff?
This essential pocket guide provides an A-Z listing of the key characters and places from Britain’s best loved, and most enduring, radio drama. It will help you master the intricate and tangled web of relations in Ambridge, uncover the secrets behind the most recent feuds and scandals, and gain insight into the most up-to-date happenings on the show.
Complete with full Archer family tree and an index of character forenames, Who’s Who in the Archers is an indispensable guide for long-standing fans and newcomers alike.
A former senior producer of The Archers, Keri Davies became a scriptwriter for the show in 2003. He also runs the The Archers website. He lives in Birmingham with his wife and three sons.
For Tim and Ruth.
This ebook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any way except as specifically permitted in writing by the publishers, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorised distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s and publisher’s rights and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly.
Version 1.0
Epub ISBN 9781407025193
1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2
This book is published to accompany the BBC Radio 4 serial The Archers.
The editor of The Archers is Vanessa Whitburn.
Published in 2008 by BBC Books, an imprint of Ebury Publishing. Ebury Publishing is a division of the Random House Group Ltd.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
The Random House Group Limited Reg. No. 954009.
Addresses for companies within the Random House Group can be found at
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 978 1 846 07579 7
To buy books by your favourite authors and register for offers, visit
Events in Ambridge are constantly changing, but we have done our best to make Who’s Who in The Archers 2009 accurate at the time of publication.
Official Archers Website:, to listen again to Archers episodes, including podcasts and an audio archive of the last seven days. The site also features daily plot synopses, news, information, a map of Ambridge, a detailed timeline, archive moments, quizzes and chat.
Official Fan Club: Archers Addicts
01789 207480
WE’RE DELIGHTED THAT our handy guide to the characters and locations in The Archers has reached its tenth edition.
The book takes into account another exciting year in Ambridge, including Alan and Usha’s controversial marriage, the effects of TB in Oliver Sterling’s herd and the new baby – indeed the new building – at Willow Farm.
We hope you enjoy getting up to date – and we hope you like the new look.
Vanessa Whitburn
Editor, The Archers
When and how can I hear the programme?
On BBC Radio 4 (92–95 FM, 198 LW and on digital radio and television). Transmission times: 7pm Sunday to Friday, repeated at 2pm the next day, excluding Saturdays. An omnibus edition of the whole week’s episodes is broadcast every Sunday at 10am. It can also be heard worldwide via podcasts or the BBC iPlayer (go to the Archers website:
How many people listen?
Nearly five million every week in the UK alone. The Archers is the most popular non-news programme on BBC Radio 4, and the most-listened-to BBC programme online.
How long has it been going?
Five pilot episodes were broadcast on the BBC Midlands Home Service in Whit Week 1950, but The Archers’ first national broadcast was on 1 January 1951. Episode 15,674, broadcast on 1 January 2009, makes this comfortably the world’s longest-running radio drama.
How did it start?
The creator of The Archers, Godfrey Baseley, devised the programme as a means of educating farmers in modern production methods when Britain was still subject to food rationing.
So it’s an educational programme?
Not any more. The Archers lost its original educational remit in the early 1970s – but it still prides itself on the quality of its research and its reflection of real rural life.
How is it planned and written?
The Editor, Vanessa Whitburn, leads a ten-strong production team and nine writers as they plot the complicated lives of the families in Ambridge, looking ahead months or sometimes years in biannual long-term meetings. The detailed planning is done at monthly script meetings about two months ahead of transmission. Each writer produces a week’s worth of scripts in a remarkable 13 days.
… and recorded?
Actors receive their scripts a few days before recording, which takes place every four weeks in a state-of-the-art studio at the BBC’s premises in the Mailbox complex in central Birmingham. Twenty-four episodes are recorded digitally in six intensive days, using only two hours of studio time per thirteen-minute episode. This schedule means that being an Archers actor is by no means a full-time job, even for major characters, so many also have careers in film, theatre, television or other radio drama.
What’s that ‘dum-di-dum’ tune?
The Archers’ signature tune is a ‘maypole dance’: ‘Barwick Green’, from the suite My Native Heath by Yorkshire composer Arthur Wood.
How did you get that news item in?
Episodes are transmitted three to six weeks after recording. But listeners are occasionally intrigued to hear topical events reflected in that evening’s broadcast, a feat achieved through a flurry of rewriting, re-recording and editing on the day of transmission.
The characters in this book are listed alphabetically by surname or nickname. If you only know the forename, this should help you locate the relevant entry.
Abbie Tucker
Adam Macy
Alan Franks
Alice Aldridge
Alistair Lloyd
Amy Franks
Annabelle Schrivener
Ben Archer
Bert Fry
Bob Pullen
Brenda Tucker
Brian Aldridge
Bunty and Reg Hebden
Caroline Sterling
Christine Barford
Christopher Carter
Clarrie Grundy
Clive Horrobin
Daniel Hebden Lloyd
David Archer
Debbie Aldridge
Deepak Gupta
Derek and Pat Fletcher
Ed Grundy
Eddie Grundy
Edgar and Eileen Titcombe
Elizabeth Pargetter
Emma Grundy
Fallon Rogers
Freda Fry
George Grundy
Graham Ryder
Hayley Tucker
Hazel Woolley
Heather Pritchard
Helen Archer
Ian Craig
Jack Woolley
Jamie Perks
Jennifer Aldridge
Jill Archer
Jim Lloyd
Joe Grundy
Jolene Perks
Josh Archer
Kate Madikane
Kathy Perks
Kenton Archer
Kirsty Miller
Lewis Carmichael
Lilian Bellamy
Lily and Freddie Pargetter
Lucas Madikane
Lynda Snell
Mabel Thompson
Mandy and India Beesborough
Marshall Latham
Matt Crawford
Maurice Horton
Mike Tucker
Neil Carter
Neville and Nathan Booth
Nic Hanson
Nigel Pargetter
Oliver Sterling
Pat Archer
Peggy Woolley
Phil Archer
Phoebe Aldridge
Pip Archer
Rachel Dorsey
Robert Snell
Roy Tucker
Ruairi Donovan
Ruth Archer
Sabrina and Richard Thwaite
Satya Khanna
Shula Hebden Lloyd
Sid Perks
Stephen Chalkman
Susan Carter
Tom Archer
Tony Archer
Usha Franks
Wayne Foley
William Grundy
Some can also be found under ‘Silent Characters’
Home Farm/Southampton University • Born 29.9.88
(Hollie Chapman)
ALICE IS THEBrianRuairi DonovanGrey GablesKate MadikaneAmbridgeChristopher Carter