Cloud Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud Computing
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I thank God for His greatest gift of all—my family.
—Ronald L. Krutz
Dedicated to Elzy, for now and forever.
—Russell Dean Vines
Ronald L. Krutz is a senior information system security consultant. He has over 30 years of experience in distributed computing systems, computer architectures, real-time systems, information assurance methodologies, and information security training. He holds B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering and is the author of best selling texts in the area of information system security.
He co-authored the CISSP Prep Guide for John Wiley and Sons and is co-author of the Wiley Advanced CISSP Prep Guide, the CISSP Prep Guide, Gold Edition, the Security+Certification Guide, the CISM Prep Guide, the CISSP Prep Guide, 2nd Edition: Mastering CISSP and ISSEP, the Network Security Bible, the CISSP and CAP Prep Guide, Platinum Edition: Mastering CISSP and CAP, the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Prep Guide, and the Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Prep Guide. He is also the author of Securing SCADA Systems and of three textbooks in the areas of microcomputer system design, computer interfacing, and computer architecture. Dr. Krutz has seven patents in the area of digital systems and has published over 40 technical papers.
Dr. Krutz also serves as consulting Editor for John Wiley and Sons Information Security Certification Series, is a Distinguished Visiting Lecturer in the University of New Haven Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences, and is an Adjunct Professor in Midway College, Kentucky.
Dr. Krutz is a Registered Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania.
Russell Dean Vines has been in the information systems industry for over 20 years, and has a unique ability to disseminate complex security issues to a wider audience, from CEOs to home Internet surfers.
He is also the author or co-author of 10 previous books, including the CISSP Prep Guide, which reached #25 on Amazon’s best-sellers list. He co-authored the Advanced CISSP Prep Guide, the CISSP Prep Guide, Gold Edition, the Security+Certification Guide, the CISM Prep Guide, the CISSP Prep Guide, 2nd Edition: Mastering CISSP and ISSEP, the CISSP and CAP Prep Guide, Platinum Edition: Mastering CISSP and CAP, and the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Prep Guide. He is also the author of Wireless Security Essentials, and Composing Digital Music for Dummies.
In addition to being a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Mr. Vines is a Certified Information Systems Manager (CISM), a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), certified in CompTIA’s Security+ program, and is a Payment Card Industry (PCI) Qualified Security Assessor (QSA). Russ also has vendor security certifications from RSA, Websense, McAfee, Citrix, VMware, Microsoft, and Novell, and has been trained in the NSA’s Information Assurance Methodology (IAM).
Mr. Vines is a frequent contributor to Web and trade publications; discusses Information Security Threats and Countermeasures as a member of’s Ask the Experts panel, frequently speaks at industry events such as Comdex and Networld+Interop, and teaches CISSP, CEH, and Websense classes.
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I want to thank my wife, Hilda, for her support and encouragement during the writing of this text.
—Ronald L. Krutz
I’d like to give a big shout-out to the gang at Gotham Technology Group, in particular Ken Phelan, Joe Jessen, and Nancy Rand, for their assistance during this project. I’d also like to thank doctors Paul M. Pellicci and Lawrence Levin for the rare gift of health. But my greatest thanks is reserved for my wife, Elzy, for her continuous and unwavering support throughout my life.
—Russell Dean Vines
Both authors would like to express their gratitude to Carol Long and Ed Connor of John Wiley and Sons for their support and assistance in developing this text.
Whenever we come upon something new, we try to understand it. A good way of understanding new things is to look for something from our experience that can serve as a metaphor. Sometimes this process works well, sometimes not.
Computer security has long labored under the metaphor of physical security. It stands to reason that we would assume that millennia of experience with keeping physical assets safe would serve us in keeping digital assets safe as well.
Much of our thinking in computer security has therefore been concerned with putting important things someplace “safe” and then controlling access to it. I distinctly recall a conversation with a security analyst at the beginning of the PC network era. When asked how to ensure the security of data on a PC, he said, “Simple. Put the data on the PC. Put the PC in a safe. Put the safe at the bottom of the ocean.”
We have been challenged over the years with coming up with safe places that allowed access. We have been challenged with even figuring out what “safe” might mean in a world where risks could come from anywhere, including inside our own organizations.
In today’s world, the physical security metaphor continues to deteriorate. We’ve all seen a movie or TV show where some critical piece of data becomes key to the plot. The location of the next terrorist attack is kept on a single USB that is subject to theft, deterioration, or any other number of physical ills designed to increase the drama. That is simply not the nature of data. Data is viral. Where did this data come from? It was never on a hard drive? No one ever emailed anybody about the attack? Can’t somebody plug the damn key in and make a YouTube video about it so that everyone can see it?
As we move to this new era of cloud computing, the last vestiges of our physical world metaphors are swept way. We need to understand data access and validation in a new way — perhaps in the way they should have been understood all along. Data security needs to be understood as something new, requiring new and innovative solutions.
Security professionals are perhaps rightfully overwhelmed by this challenge. Despite increased spending, the average firm finds itself less secure than it was five years ago. Advancements in security tools and techniques have not kept pace with risks and attack vectors. How can the security community respond to these ever-increasing threats when the additional requirements of virtualization and agility drive data assets up into a nebulous “cloud”?
One thing we do know for sure: Security will not drive or control this change. Any business requirement for lower costs and increased agility of cloud computing will eventually rule the day. Security professionals have attempted to slow the growth of several technology initiatives over the years in an attempt to control the risks. E-mail, instant messaging, and web browsing are some that come to mind immediately. We know from past experience, however, that implementing appropriate controls generally works far better than attempting to simply stop these initiatives.
As security professionals, it is incumbent on us to generate innovations in our concepts of data security and integrity. We need tools and processes that recognize the ephemeral nature of data and the reality that physical locational controls simply will not work going forward. With a little hard work, we can achieve security models that minimize risk and enable this new method of computing. We don’t need to give up on security; we simply need to abandon some of our metaphors.
This book serves as a guide for doing just that. As security professionals, we may not want to embrace the cloud, but we’re certainly going to have to learn to live with it.
Ken Phelan
CTO Gotham Technology Group
Cloud computing provides the capability to use computing and storage resources on a metered basis and reduce the investments in an organization’s computing infrastructure. The spawning and deletion of virtual machines running on physical hardware and being controlled by hypervisors is a cost-efficient and flexible computing paradigm.
In addition, the integration and widespread availability of large amounts of “sanitized’ information such as health care records can be of tremendous benefit to researchers and practitioners.
However, as with any technology, the full potential of the cloud cannot be achieved without understanding its capabilities, vulnerabilities, advantages, and trade-offs. This text provides insight into these areas and describes methods of achieving the maximum benefit from cloud computation with minimal risk.
With all its benefits, cloud computing also brings with it concerns about the security and privacy of information extant on the cloud as a result of its size, structure, and geographical dispersion. Such concerns involve the following issues:
Cloud users should also be concerned about the continued availability of their data over long periods of time and whether or not a cloud provider might surreptitiously exploit sensitive data for its own gain.
One mitigation method that can be used to protect cloud data is encryption. Encrypting data can protect it from disclosure by the cloud provider or from hackers, but it makes it difficult to search or perform calculations on that data.
This book clarifies all these issues and provides comprehensive guidance on how to navigate the field of cloud computing to achieve the maximum return on cloud investments without compromising information security.
The text explores the principal characteristics of cloud computing, including scalability, flexibility, virtualization, automation, measured service, and ubiquitous network access, while showing their relationships to secure cloud computing.
The book chapters proceed from tracing the evolution of the cloud paradigm to developing architectural characteristics, security fundamentals, cloud computing risks and threats, and useful steps in implementing secure cloud computing.
Chapter 1 defines cloud computing and provides alternative views of its application and significance in the general world of computing. Following this introduction, the chapter presents the essential characteristics of cloud computing and traces the historical architectural, technical, and operational influences that converged to establish what is understand as cloud computing today.
Chapter 2 looks at the primary elements of the cloud computing architecture using various cloud-based computing architecture models. In this chapter we’ll examine cloud delivery models (the SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS elements of the SPI framework), cloud deployment models (such as private, community, public, and hybrid clouds), and look at some alternative cloud architecture models, such as the Jericho Cloud Cube.
Chapter 3 explores the fundamental concepts of cloud computing software security, covering cloud security services, cloud security principles, secure software requirements, and testing concepts. It concludes by addressing cloud business continuity planning, disaster recovery, redundancy, and secure remote access.
Chapter 4 examines cloud computing risks and threats in more detail. We’ll examine cloud computing risk to privacy assurance and compliance regulations, how cloud computing presents a unique risk to “traditional” concepts of data, identity, and access management (IAM) risks, and how those risks and threats may be unique to cloud service providers (CSPs).
Chapter 5 helps identify management challenges and opportunities. Security management must be able to determine what detective and preventative controls exist to clearly define the security posture of the organization, especially as it relates to the virtualization perimeter. We’ll look at security policy and computer intrusion detection and response implementation techniques, and dive deeply into virtualization security management issues.
Chapter 6 addresses the important cloud computing security architectural issues, including trusted cloud computing, secure execution environments, and microarchitectures. It also expands on the critical cloud security principles of identity management and access control and develops the concepts of autonomic systems and autonomic protection mechanisms.
Chapter 7 presents cloud life cycle issues, together with significant standards efforts, incident response approaches, encryption topics, and considerations involving retirement of cloud virtual machines and applications.
Chapter 8 recaps the important cloud computing security concepts, and offers guidance on which services should be moved to the cloud and those that should not. It also reviews questions that a potential user should ask a cloud provider, and lists organizations that provide support and information exchange on cloud applications, standards, and interoperability. Chapter 8 concludes with advice on getting started in cloud computation and a “top ten” list of important related considerations.
Cloud Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud Computing is designed to be a valuable source of information for those who are contemplating using cloud computing as well as professionals with prior cloud computing experience and knowledge. It provides a background of the development of cloud computing and details critical approaches to cloud computing security that affect the types of applications that are best suited to the cloud.
We think that Cloud Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud Computing would be a useful reference for all of the following:
We hope Cloud Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud Computing is a useful and readable reference for everyone concerned about the risk of cloud computing and involved with the protection of data.
Issues such as data ownership, privacy protections, data mobility, quality of service and service levels, bandwidth costs, data protection, and support have to be tackled in order to achieve the maximum benefit from cloud computation with minimal risk.
As you try to find your way through a maze of security minefields, this book is mandatory reading if you are involved in any aspect of cloud computing.
Out of intense complexities intense simplicities emerge.
—Winston Churchill
Cloud computing evokes different perceptions in different people. To some, it refers to accessing software and storing data in the “cloud” representation of the Internet or a network and using associated services. To others, it is seen as nothing new, but just a modernization of the time-sharing model that was widely employed in the 1960s before the advent of relatively lower-cost computing platforms. These developments eventually evolved to the client/server model and to the personal computer, which placed large amounts of computing power at people's desktops and spelled the demise of time-sharing systems.
In 1961, John McCarthy, a professor at MIT, presented the idea of computing as a utility much like electricity.1 Another pioneer, who later developed the basis for the ARPANET, the Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, and precursor to the Internet, was J.C.R. Licklider. In the 1960s, Licklider promulgated ideas at both ARPA and Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN), the high-technology research and development company, that envisioned networked computers at a time when punched card, batch computing was dominant. He stated, “If such a network as I envisage nebulously could be brought into operation, we could have at least four large computers, perhaps six or eight small computers, and a great assortment of disc files and magnetic tape units—not to mention remote consoles and teletype stations—all churning away.”2
The conjunction of the concepts of utility computing and a ubiquitous world-wide network provided the basis for the future evolution of cloud computing.
In an October, 2009 presentation titled “Effectively and Securely Using the Cloud Computing Paradigm,”3 by Peter Mell and Tim Grance of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Information Technology Laboratory, cloud computing is defined as follows:
Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable and reliable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal consumer management effort or service provider interaction.
This cloud model is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models. The five essential characteristics are as follows:
The service models are as follows:
The deployment models, which can be either internally or externally implemented, are summarized in the NIST presentation as follows:
These characteristics and models are covered in detail in Chapter 2.
In 2009, the Open Cloud Manifesto was developed by a group of organizations including IBM, Intel, and Google to propose practices for use in the provision of cloud computing services. In the “Open Cloud Manifesto” (
), cloud computing is defined with a set of characteristics and value propositions. The characteristics outlined in the manifesto are as follows:
The value propositions listed in the manifesto are as follows:
From a different perspective, in a ZDNet article titled “The Five Defining Characteristics of Cloud Computing” (, Dave Malcolm Surgient proposes the following five defining characteristics of cloud computing:
Cloud computing developed from technologies and business approaches that emerged over a number of years. The major building blocks range from Internet technology to cloud service providers, as illustrated in Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1 Origins of cloud computing
The important elements in the origination of cloud computing will be explored in detail in this book, but a few of the major items are summarized in Table 1.1 for background.
Table 1.1 Important Elements in the Origination of Cloud Computing
Item | Description |
Utility Computing | The packaging and delivery of computing resources to a customer who pays for these resources as a metered service when needed. The objective is to use services effectively while reducing associated costs. The term “utility” is used to compare this type of computing resource utilization and payment to those of utilities such as providers of electricity or natural gas. |
Grid Computing | The application of the processing power of multiple networked computing resources to solve a specific problem. It is a form of parallel processing conducted on a network of computers. In grid computing, servers, storage, and networks are combined to form powerful computing resource nodes that can be dynamically provisioned as needed. |
Autonomic Computing | The functioning of a computer system without external control. The term is based on the autonomic nervous system of the human body, which controls breathing, heart functioning, and so on without conscious input from the individual. The objective of autonomic computing is to have the computer perform critical and complex functions without any major intervention by a user. |
Platform Virtualization | The logical partitioning of physical computing resources into multiple execution environments, including servers, applications, and operating systems. Virtualization is based on the concept of a virtual machine running on a physical computing platform. Virtualization is controlled by a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM), known as a hypervisor. Xen, an open-source hypervisor, is widely used for cloud computing. |
Software as a Service (SaaS) | A software distribution and deployment model in which applications are provided to customers as a service. The applications can run on the users' computing systems or the provider's Web servers. SaaS provides for efficient patch management and promotes collaboration. |
Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) | A set of services that communicate with each other, whose interfaces are known and described, whose functions are loosely coupled (the type of interface is not tied to the implementation), and whose use can be incorporated by multiple organizations. The SOA service interfaces are specified in XML and the services are expressed in WSDL. |
Applications can access services in a UDDI (Universal Description, Definition, and Integration) registration directory. | |
Cloud Services Examples | provides enterprise cloud computing services in 1999. |
Cloud computing services provided by Amazon Web Services in 2002. | |
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) commercial services offered by Amazon to small companies and individuals whereby computing resources can be rented. | |
Google offers Google Apps, which include Web applications such as Gmail, Docs, and Calendar. | |
Microsoft Azure Services Cloud Platform supports applications to be hosted and run at Microsoft data centers. | |
VMware is a company that provides virtualization software for a variety of platforms. | |
IBM and Juniper Networks formed a collaborative partnership in the delivery of cloud computing services. |
Even though cloud computing can incorporate some of the computing paradigms listed in Table 1.1, it is not synonymous with them. For example, cloud computing is not the same as utility computing. Cloud computing does not always employ the metered service pricing of utility computing, and cloud computing can use distributed, virtualized platforms instead of a centralized computing resource.
Is cloud computing the equivalent of grid computing? Grid computing does employ distributed virtual machines, but unlike cloud computing, these machines are usually focused on a single, very large task.
Sometimes client/server computing is viewed as cloud computing, with the cloud appearing in the server role. However, in the traditional client-server model, the server is a specific machine at a specific location. Computations running in the cloud can be based on computers anywhere, split among computers, and can use virtualized platforms, all unknown to the user. All the user knows is that he or she is accessing resources and using processing and storage somewhere to get results.
Cloud computing is not Software as a Service, which is software that an organization can purchase and manage; it is run on the user's hardware or someone else's machines.
Nor is cloud computing virtualization, although it can be used as an element to implement cloud computing. Operating system virtualization can be employed on an organization's local computers or in a data center, which is not cloud computing. However, virtualization can be employed in computing resources out in the cloud.
Cloud computing is not the same as service-oriented architecture (SOA), which supports the exchange of data among different applications engaged in business processes.
In short, although the preceding terms are not synonymous with cloud computing, depending on the implementation they can be a constituent of the cloud.
A number of prominent people view cloud computing as pure hype and really nothing new. In an online video blog (, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison bluntly states, “What the hell is cloud computing? … When I read these articles on cloud computing, it is pure idiocy…. Some say it is a using a computer that is out there…. The people that are writing this are insane…. When is this idiocy going to stop?”
Noted information security expert Bruce Schneier, in his June 4, 2009 online newsletter Schneier on Security (, says “This year's overhyped IT concept is cloud computing…. But, hype aside, cloud computing is nothing new. It's the modern version of the timesharing model from the 1960s, which was eventually killed by the rise of the personal computer. It's what Hotmail and Gmail have been doing all these years, and it's social networking sites, remote backup companies, and remote email filtering companies such as MessageLabs. Any IT outsourcing—network infrastructure, security monitoring, remote hosting—is a form of cloud computing.”
In a February 10, 2009 Information Week article titled “HP on the Cloud: The World Is Cleaving in Two” (, Russ Daniels of Hewlett Packard states, “Virtually every enterprise will operate in hybrid mode,” with some of its operations on the premises and some in the cloud, he predicted. Contrary to some theories put forth, he says that cloud computing is not a replacement for the data center. “The idea that we're going to one day throw a switch and move everything out to one of a small number of external data centers, located next to a low-cost power source, is nonsensical. It's not going to happen. Cloud computing is not the end of IT.”
Another interesting view of cloud computing can be found at the hardware level. In an online article from EDN (Electronics Design, Strategy, News, at, one mode of cloud computing is discussed as clusters of chips. The article reviews presentations from Hot Chips 21, The Symposium on High-Performance Chips, August 23–25, 2009 (
One of the conclusions that can be drawn from the symposium is that silicon designers have their own view of cloud computing that is related to chip architecture. Even though talking about cloud computing from the silicon chip level seems incongruous, it is valuable to understand their perspective.
According to the EDN article, silicon designers view cloud computing as a hierarchy of three elements, as follows:
Using these definitions, a conventional cloud would be viewed as large server farms that incorporate clusters and use kernels as server boards. An alternative approach broached at the symposium proposed the use of Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3) platforms containing the Cell Broadband processor as low-cost clusters and connecting these clusters through a public network to establish a robust cloud. The processors in this cluster would be powerful, with parallel floating-point hardware and high-speed internal communications. Using the PS3 or future equivalents, this type of cloud could be implemented at relatively low cost, be made widely available, and be amenable to open-source collaborations.
The NIST definition of cloud computing4 states that the cloud model comprises five essential characteristics. These characteristics are explored in the following sections.
On-demand self-service enables users to use cloud computing resources as needed without human interaction between the user and the cloud service provider. With on-demand self-service, a consumer can schedule the use of cloud services such as computation and storage as needed, in addition to managing and deploying these services. In order to be effective and acceptable to the consumer, the self-service interface must be user-friendly and provide effective means to manage the service offerings. This ease of use and elimination of human interaction provides efficiencies and cost savings to both the user and the cloud service provider.
For cloud computing to be an effective alternative to in-house data centers, high-bandwidth communication links must be available to connect to the cloud services. One of the principal economic justifications for cloud computing is that the lowered cost of high-bandwidth network communication to the cloud provides access to a larger pool of IT resources that sustain a high level of utilization.
Many organizations use a three-tier architecture to connect a variety of computing platforms such as laptops, printers, mobile phones, and PDAs to the wide area network (WAN). This three-tier architecture comprises the following elements:
This three-tier approach results in latency times of 50 microseconds or more, which causes problematic delays when using cloud computing. For good performance, the switching environment should have a latency time of 10 microseconds or less. A two-tier approach that eliminates the aggregation layer can meet this requirement, using 10G (10 Gigabits/sec) Ethernet switches and the forthcoming 100G Ethernet switches.
The cloud must have a large and flexible resource pool to meet the consumer's needs, provide economies of scale, and meet service level requirements. Applications require resources for their execution, and these resources must be allocated efficiently for optimum performance. The resources can be physically located at many geographic locations and assigned as virtual components of the computation as needed. As stated by NIST,5 “There is a sense of location independence in that the customer generally has no control or knowledge over the exact location of the provided resources but may be able to specify location at a higher level of abstraction (e.g., country, state, or datacenter).”
Rapid elasticity refers to the ability of the cloud to expand or reduce allocated resources quickly and efficiently to meet the requirements of the self-service characteristic of cloud computing. This allocation might be done automatically and appear to the user as a large pool of dynamic resources that can be paid for as needed and when needed.
One of the considerations in enabling rapid elasticity is the development and implementation of loosely coupled services that scale independently of other services and are not dependent on the elasticity of these other services.
Because of the service-oriented characteristics of cloud computing, the amount of cloud resources used by a consumer can be dynamically and automatically allocated and monitored. The customer can then be billed based on the measured usage of only the cloud resources that were allotted for the particular session.
The NIST view of measured service is “Cloud systems automatically control and optimize resource use by leveraging a metering capability at some level of abstraction appropriate to the type of service (e.g., storage, processing, bandwidth, and active user accounts). Resource usage can be monitored, controlled, and reported providing transparency for both the provider and consumer of the utilized service.”6