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Ghostly Penetration Title Page

About Jolie James

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Jolie James




Copyright © 2013 Steam Books Erotica & Romance

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.



The summer I turned 32 was the most interesting summer of my life. 

I had graduated with my master’s degree and landed a job teaching sociology at my alma mater. My biggest accomplishment, though, was the purchase of my first house. I had scrimped and saved throughout the entirety of my twenties. It’s amazing how long a person can exist solely on noodles microwaved in a cup. By the spring just before my birthday, I had enough banked in my savings account to begin looking for my new home. 

I knew I didn’t want to live in the city, so I focused my search on the countryside. Incredibly, there was a four bedroom farmhouse for sale at an astoundingly low price. I remember making the appointment, thinking for sure that it was a fake. Amazingly, I found myself talking with a pretty voice over the phone and excitedly jotting down directions. The property was only twenty minutes outside of town, and I can still feel the wind in my hair as I raced down the winding road that led to the estate. 

When I arrived, a woman was standing against her tan mini-van, obviously waiting for me. I pulled my convertible next to where she was parked and got out of the car. Graciously, she accepted my outstretched hand and began telling me about the house. It sat on a nice chunk of land. There was a small tool shed a few yards from the garage, and I could see the overgrown farm plots stretch across the back field before hitting a wall of forest, dense with trees and shrubs. The house itself was painted blue, almost the same color as the brilliant summer sky. I smiled as I listened to her tell of how she came into ownership of such a sparkling gem.