


About the Book

Title Page



Chapter One: Up Against It

Chapter Two: The K-Casket

Chapter Three: The Race Is On

Chapter Four: Ghost in the Machine

Chapter Five: Watch Out – There’s a Ghost About!

Chapter Six: A Lesson in Store

Chapter Seven: The Ghost with the Most!

Chapter Eight: A World of His Own

Chapter Nine: Jaws of the Sphinx

Chapter Ten: Dealing in Danger

Chapter Eleven: A Dirty, Desperate Race

Chapter Twelve: A Haunting Conclusion!

Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

About the Author

Also by Steve Cole


Also by Steve Cole:


Riddle of the Raptors
The Hatching Horror
The Seas of Doom
The Mind-Swap Menace
The Skies of Fear
The Space Ghosts
Day of the Dino-Droids
The Terror-Bird Trap
The Planet of Peril
The Star Pirates
The Claws of Christmas
The Sun-Snatchers
Revenge of the Fang
The Carnivore Curse
The Dreams of Dread
The Robot Raiders
The Twist of Time
The Sabre-Tooth Secret
The Forest of Evil
Earth Attack!
The T-Rex Invasion
The Castle of Frankensaur


Destination: Danger!
Contest Carnage!
Terror Underground!
Jungle Horror!
Deadly Drama!
Christmas Crisis!
Volcano Invaders!
Space Kidnap!


The Ter-Moo-nators
The Moo-my’s Curse
The Roman Moo-stery
The Wild West Moo-nster
World War Moo
The Battle for Christmoos
The Pirate Moo-tiny
The Moogic of Merlin
The Victorian Moo-ders
The Moo-lympic Games
First Cows on the Mooon
The Viking Emoo-gency

The Udderly Moo-vellous
C.I.A. Joke Book

Astrosaurs vs Cows in Action:
The Dinosaur Moo-tants


The Fearsome Fists
The Toxic Teeth
The Cyber-Poos
The Supernatural Squid
The Killer Socks
The Last-Chance Chicken
The Alligator Army
The Conquering Conks


Secret Agent Mummy
The Cleopatra Case
Hieroglyphs of Horror

For older readers:

Z. Rex
Z. Raptor
Z. Apocalypse

Young Bond: Shoot to Kill
Young Bond: Heads You Die


For Amy

About the Book


King Tutankhamun is BACK in GHOSTLY FORM, and this time he’s got a TURBO-chariot.

He wants to race.

But he doesn’t want to play fair.

Get ready for:

Will the Secret Agent Mummy and his friend Niall survive?

You’ll have to read on to find out . . .

About the Author

Steve Cole is a best-selling children’s author whose sales exceed three million copies. His hugely successful Astrosaurs young fiction series has been a UK top-ten children’s bestseller and been published widely internationally. His several original Doctor Who novels have also been bestsellers. An original comedy, fantasy and adventure writer, Steve’s work includes a broad range of books, most recently the Secret Agent Mummy series for younger readers, Stop Those Monsters! and the explosive Young Bond titles Shoot to Kill and Heads You Die, with a further adventure for the teenage James Bond planned for publication later this year.

Much in demand for his energetic performances at events, Steve has appeared at Edinburgh, Hay, Cheltenham, Oxford, Bath, YALC and World Book Day’s Biggest Book Show on Earth. He has toured schools in Europe, America, the UAE, Australia and New Zealand, and featured at sci-fi and Doctor Who conventions from London to Los Angeles.


These MYSTERIOUS visitors from the realm of KaBa inspired the old Egyptians, who treated them like gods. But EVIL, BAD, FREAKY CREATURES also came to stay – so BIONIC SECRET AGENTS from KaBa were sent to catch them.

Thousands of years later, ONE of those secret agents is STILL on the case. Because SPOOKY MONSTERS remain on the loose . . .

In these pages you will meet:




Brave, bold – but not very bright, Sam is the only Secret Agent Mummy still fighting crime all over our world. His supertough bandages protect him from enemy attacks and the passing years – he is thousands of years old! He lives in a portable Pyra-Base, hidden from human eyes. With magic, might, cool in-built weapons and a LOT of good luck, he blunders through adventures with the help of his friends . . .




This snooty cat goddess is the brains of Sam’s outfit. She stayed on Earth because she loves the taste of fish! Annoying and vain, she will only help out on anti-bad-guy operations in exchange for worship and cod.




This semi-robotic dog was once Sam’s loyal hunting hound, until he met with a terrible accident. Only his bottom survived. Now wrapped in bandages, Mumbum can be strapped into different metal bodies for different situations – the ultimate utility pooch.




One fateful day, Niall found a magical relic from KaBa, touched it – and absorbed its powers! As a result, Niall is the only human able to see Sam’s secret world. He has become Sam’s special sidekick, helping him on his mad mummy adventures. Quick-thinking, courageous and good with gadgets – both those from Earth and those from KaBa – Niall shares Sam’s mission to protect the world from incredible dangers.



Chapter One

Up Against It

The aliens closed in on Niall Rivers. Gruesome and green, their eyes swivelled on thick stalks, fixing him with a dozen merciless stares.

“Just one chance,” Niall told himself, ducking and dodging as death rays zapped all around him. “I can fight my way through if I’m fast enough. If I concentrate really hard—”

“Niall!” An ear-exploding shriek erupted behind him. “Mum says you’ve got to let me play Princess Pony Parlour NOW!”

“Wha—?” Niall jumped in surprise, and the controller slipped to the carpet. On the screen, the aliens laughed as they unleashed their lasers. The picture dissolved in glowing pixels.


“Nice work, Snitch.” Niall glared at his little sister, Ellie (although “little” did not apply to her super-massive mega-mouth). “I was totally going to complete that level, and now you got me killed – just so you can play Princess Poopy-Pants!”

“Mum! Mum! Niall called my game something rude and he won’t let me play it!” Ellie smiled at him and crossed her arms. “Prepare for payback, big brother!” she whispered.

“Snitch, you drive me crazy!” Niall groaned. He threw a cushion at her head – just as Mum came in.


Mum was looking tired and cross. “Honestly, you two! Why can’t you ever just play nicely?”

“I’m not sure,” said Niall thoughtfully. “Maybe because Ellie’s a gigantic pain in the butt?”

“WAHHHH!” Ellie faked some pathetic sobs.

“Oh, Niall!” Mum scowled. “Your sister only wants a little go on her favourite game. Would it kill you to share?”

“I don’t want to find out! But . . .” With a sigh, Niall tossed the controller to Ellie. “There. Have it. I’m going into the garden.”

To be accurate, he thought, the garden of the house next door.

Niall smiled as he headed out through the back door. He was the keeper of the biggest secret in the whole world.

These days, he lived next door to a real-life, way-out, extra-bandaged superhero called Sam.

S-A-M – short for Secret Agent Mummy!

Niall quickly climbed the fence into next door’s overgrown garden. Sam had parked his portable Pyra-Base here a few months back, while investigating a crazy criminal in the area. That was how Niall had been dragged into the whole bonkers adventure in the first place . . .

“Hello? Sam!” Niall knocked on the great sandstone door of the Pyra-Base. It was an awe-inspiring sight, like an old Egyptian pyramid made weirdly modern with triangular windows and a chimney pot. “Anyone at home?”

There was no answer, so Niall put his ear to the door – and frowned. He could hear roars and snarls, like there were tigers inside. Tigers . . . or something worse.


“Sam?” Niall banged harder. “Sam! It’s me, Niall. Are you—?”

“Come in, my friend!” came Sam’s warm, familiar voice. “I will not not be short.”

Niall opened the door. “You mean, you won’t be long?”

“This is what I say!”