Cover Page

Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare

Immy Holloway and Kathleen Galvin

Fourth Edition

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Kate dedicates this book to her daughters Olivia and Sorcha

Immy dedicates this book to her grandchildren Hazel, Dochas and Chian and her first great-grandchild Lilly


The readership of this book will be those who intend to carry out qualitative research in clinical, academic or educational settings, specifically in the healthcare arena. It aims to introduce third-year undergraduates to qualitative research and to assist postgraduate students in their study of qualitative approaches before they move on to more sophisticated and specialised texts.

This fourth edition of the book is an update of earlier versions of the text by Holloway and Wheeler. Approaches in qualitative research are constantly evolving, and this is shown in the new edition. The fundamental principles of qualitative research, of course, stay the same, reflecting the firm epistemological ground on which this research approach stands; hence, there are not many drastic changes; the formula of writing and extending individual approaches with integrating updated examples from healthcare research has been retained.

We would like to thank Stephanie Wheeler for her input in earlier editions.

Immy Holloway and Kathleen Galvin

About the Authors

Immy Holloway is Professor Emerita at Bournemouth University in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. She has extensively taught, supervised, researched and examined qualitative research. As the co-founder of the Centre for Qualitative Research at Bournemouth, she is still one of its members. Her activities include supervising and teaching postgraduate students in the area of nursing and healthcare. Her special interest lies in developing understanding and skills of students in using a variety of approaches to qualitative research. She has written several books in the field of qualitative inquiry and also published book chapters and articles in this area.

Kathleen Galvin is Professor of Nursing Practice in the College of Life, Health and Physical Sciences at the University of Brighton. She has also held positions of Associate Dean (Research, Scholarship and Enterprise) in the Faculty of Health and Social Care at the University of Hull and Deputy Dean, Research and Enterprise at the Bournemouth University and has been an active member of the Centre for Qualitative Research. She too has a portfolio of published articles, books and book chapters in the area of qualitative research and has supervised numerous postgraduate and PhD theses. She is particularly interested in the application of methodologies which can help the public to engage in a more embodied way with qualitative research findings, and in making use of the humanities and the arts in developing qualitative research for the purposes of new deep understanding of well-being and of suffering.


Thanks are due to the people who supported us at Wiley as well as our many colleagues and research students who have helped us improve this text and often provided examples.

We are grateful to all of them.

Part One
Introduction to Qualitative Research: Starting Out