Reinhard Laun
für Beschäftigte im Gesundheitswesen
Das Werk und seine Teile sind urheberrechtlich geschützt.
Jede Verwertung in anderen als den gesetzlich zugelassenen Fällen bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen Einwilligung des Autors.
Hinweis zu § 52a UrG: Weder das Werk noch seine Teile dürfen ohne eine solche Einwiliigung überspielt, gespeichert und in ein Netzwerk eingespielt werden.
© Reinhard Laun
Verlag: TREDITION GmbH, Hamburg
ISBN 978-3-7345-4888-8 (Paperback)
ISBN 978-3-7345-4889-5 (Hardcover)
ISBN 978-3-7345-4890-1 (e-Book)
Viele medizinische Fachbegriffe kommen aus dem Griechischen oder aus dem Lateinischen. Man muss aber nicht perfekt griechisch oder lateinisch sprechen, um die medizinischen Fachbegriffe „zu einem Wortgebäude zusammenbauen“ zu können. Meistens ist es viel einfacher, als man denkt!
Wir unterscheiden in der Hauptsache drei Typen von Wortteilen:
1. Wortstamm („word roots“)
2. Nachsilben („suffixes“
3. Vorsilben („prefixes“)
An diesem Beispiel sehen wir, dass die Wortendung „-algie“ immer die Bedeutung Schmerzen hat. Wenn wir nun andere Wortstämme mit der Endung „-algie“ kombinieren, bekommen wir entsprechende Wortkombinationen, die alle auf „ - schmerzen“ enden, wie z.B.
Ceph / algie | ⇨ | Kopfschmerzen |
Neur / algie | ⇨ | Nervenschmerzen |
Lumb / algie | ⇨ | Lendenschmerzen |
My / algie | ⇨ | Muskelschmerzen |
Wir sehen also, dass die einzelnen „Wortteile“ der Schlüssel zum Verständnis der medizinischen Fachausdrücke sind.
Word Parts are the Key
Word roots or combining forms usually, but not always, indicate the involved body part. Word roots or combining forms contain the basic meaning of the term.
Compound words can be formed when two or more word roots are used to build the word.
Suffixes come at the end of a word. Suffixes usually, but not always, indicate the disorder, the procedure or the disease.
Prefixes always come at the beginning of a word. Prefixes usually, but not always, indicate location, number, status or time.
Combining Vowels are necessary to make the medical term easier to pronounce. A combining vowel may be needed between the word root and the suffix. The letter “o” ist the most commonly used combining vowel.
Üben und studieren Sie nun gründlich die folgenden Beispiele für „zusammengesetzte Fachbegriffe“!
For example:
hydrotherapy (hydr/o/therapy)
microscope (micr/o/scope)
Rule 1:
Do not place a vowel between a prefix and the word root.
Rule 2:
Do not place a vowel between a suffix and the word root when the suffix beginns with a vowel.
For example: An often used suffix is “-itis” (= inflammation). When the word root “neur/o” ( “neur” means nerve) is joined with the suffix “itis”, the combining vowel is not used because “-itis” begins with a vowel.
neuritis (neur/itis)
Rule 3:
A combining vowel is used when the suffix begins with a consonant.
For example: When the word root “neur/o” ( “neur” means nerve) is joined with the suffix “-plasty” (surgical repair), the combining vowel “o” is used because “-plasty” begins with a consonant.
neuroplasty (neur/o/plasty)
encephalotomy (encephal/o/tomy)
The ending that follows a word root is a suffix. You can change the meaning of a word by putting another part after it.
For example:
gastroduodenoscopy (gastr/o/duoden/o/scopy)
electrocardiography (electr/o/cardi/o/graphy)
appendectomy (append/ectomy)
Here are some examples of combining forms, suffixes and prefixes that are commonly found in medical terms.
arthr/o | joint | arthritis | |
arthr/o | joint | arthrosis | |
arthr/o | joint | arthroscopy | |
arthr/o | joint | arthralgia | |
arthr/o | joint | arthrocentesis | |
arthr/o | joint | arthrodesis | |
arthr/o | joint | arthrography | |
arthr/o | joint | arthropathy | |
bi/o | life | biology | |
bi/o | life | biopsy | |
bi/o | life | biorhythm | |
carcin/o | cancer | carcinoma | |
carcin/o | cancer | carcinectomy | |
cardi/o | heart | cardiology | |
cardi/o | heart | cardiomegaly | |
cardi/o | heart | cardiologist | |
cardi/o | heart | cardiologist | |
cardi/o | heart | cardiomyopathy | |
cardi/o | heart | cardioplegy | |
cyst/o | urinary bladder | cystoscope | |
cyst/o | urinary bladder | cystolith | |
cyst/o | urinary bladder | cystolithectomy | |
cyst/o | urinary bladder | cystolithiasis | |
cyt/o | cell | cytology | |
cyt/o | cell | cytolysis | |
cyt/o | cell | cytoplasm | |
cyt/o | cell | cytotoxin | |
cyt/o | cell | cyturia | |
dermat/o derm/o | skin | dermatitis | |
dermat/o derm/o | skin | dermatic | |
dermat/o derm/o | skin | dermatosis | |
encephal/o | brain | encephalopathy | |
encephal/o | brain | encephalitis | |
encephal/o | brain | encephalo-graphy | |
enter/o | intestine | enteritis | |
enter/o | intestine | enterocentesis | |
enter/o | intestine | enterectomy | |
enter/o | intestine | enterocolitis | |
enter/o | intestine | entero-gastritis | |
enter/o | intestine | enteromycosis | |
eryth/o | red | erythrocyte | |
eryth/o | red | erythrocyturia | |
eryth/o | red | erythrocyte-metry | |
gastr/o | stomach | gastroscopy | |
gastr/o | stomach | gastroscopy | |
gastr/o | stomach | gastroduo-denitis | |
gastr/o | stomach | gastrocolo-stomy | |
gastr/o | stomach | gastrotomy | |
gyn(a)ec/o | woman | gynaecology | |
gyn(a)ec/o | woman | gynaecologist | |
gyn(a)ec/o | woman | gynaecomastia | |
h(a)emat/o h(a)em/o | blood | haematoma | |
h(a)emat/o h(a)em/o | blood | haemacytometer | |
h(a)emat/o h(a)em/o | blood | haemangioma | |
h(a)emat/o h(a)em/o | blood | haematocrit | |
h(a)emat/o h(a)em/o | blood | haematology | |
h(a)emat/o h(a)em/o | blood | haematuria | |
h(a)emat/o h(a)em/o | blood | haemoglobin | |
h(a)emat/o h(a)em/o | blood | haemoglobinuria | |
h(a)emat/o h(a)em/o | blood | haemomanometer | |
h(a)emat/o h(a)em/o | blood | haemophilia | |
hepat/o | liver | hepatitis | |
hepat/o | liver | hepatic disease | |
hepat/o | liver | hepatalgia | |
hepat/o | liver | hepatocyte | |
hepat/o | liver | hepatologist | |
leuk/o leuc/o | white | leukocyte | |
leuk/o leuc/o | white | leukocyturia | |
leuk/o | white | leukaemia | |
nephr/o | kidney | nephrectomy | |
nephr/o | kidney | nephrecystitis | |
nephr/o | kidney | nephrolithiasis | |
nephr/o | kidney | nephrology | |
kidney | kidney | nephrologist | |
nephr/o | kidney | nephropathy | |
nephr/o | kidney | nephropyelitis | |
nephr/o | kidney | nephroureter-cystectomy | |
neur/o | nerve | neurology | |
neur/o | nerve | neurologist | |
neur/o | nerve | neurasthenia | |
neur/o | nerve | neuritis | |
onc/o | tumor | oncologist | |
onc/o | tumor | oncogenesis | |
onc/o | tumor | oncotherapy | |
opthalm/o | eye | ophtalmo-scope | |
opthalm/o | eye | ophtalmalgia | |
opthalm/o | eye | ophtalm-ectomy | |
opthalm/o | eye | ophtalmia | |
opthalm/o | eye | ophtalmic surgery | |
opthalm/o | eye | ophtalmo-tonometry | |
oste/o | bone | osteoarthritis | |
oste/o | bone | osteoarthropathy | |
oste/o | bone | osteoarthrosis | |
oste/o | bone | osteochondritis | |
oste/o | bone | osteocyte | |
oste/o | bone | osteoectomy | |
oste/o | bone | osteoma | |
oste/o | bone | osteomalcia | |
oste/o | bone | osteomyelitis | |
path/o | disease | pathologist | |
path/o | disease | pathogenesis | |
path/o | disease | pathogen | |
path/o | disease | pathology | |
psych/o | mind | psychosis | |
psych/o | mind | psychoanalysis | |
psych/o | mind | psychology | |
psych/o | mind | Psychopathic | |
psych/o | mind | psychosomatic | |
psych/o | mind | psychotherapy | |
psych/o | mind | psychotonic | |
ren/o | kidney | renal | |
ren/o | kidney | renal | |
ren/o | kidney | renal failure | |
ren/o | kidney | renal pelvis | |
ren/o | kidney | renal transplantation | |
ren/o | kidney | renal tubule | |
ren/o | kidney | renal scintigraphy | |
rhin/o | nose | rhinitis | |
rhin/o | nose | rhinalgia | |
rhin/o | nose | rhinopharyngitis | |
rhin/o | nose | rhinopharynx | |
rhin/o | nose | rhinoscopy | |
rhin/o | nose | rhinosinusitis | |
sarc/o | flesh | sarcoma | |
sarc/o | flesh | sarcoid | |
sarc/o | flesh | sarcosis | |
thromb/o | clotting | thrombocyte | |
thromb/o | clotting | thrombectomy | |
thromb/o | clotting | thromboangiitis | |
thromb/o | clotting | thromboembolus | |
thromb/o | clotting | thrombolysis | |
thromb/o | clotting | thrombophilia | |
thromb/o | clotting | thrombophlebitis | |
thromb/o | clotting | thromboplastin time | |
thromb/o | clotting | thrombosis | |
thromb/o | clotting | thrombus | |
thromb/o | clotting | thrombocytopenia |
-al | pertaining to | neural | |
-al | pertaining to | anal sphincter | |
-al | pertaining to | oral cavity | |
-al | pertaining to | parenteral feeding | |
-al | pertaining to | neural | |
-algia | pain | arthralgia | |
algia | pain | neuralgia | |
algia | pain | myalgia | |
algia | pain | ostalgia | |
algia | pain | gastralgia | |
algia | pain | nephralgia | |
-cyte | cell | leukocyte | |
-cyte | cell | erythrocyte | |
-cyte | cell | thrombo-cyte | |
-cyte | cell | osteocyte | |
-cyte | cell | neurocyte | |
-cyte | cell | myocyte | |
-ectomy | removal, | nephrectomy | |
-ectomy | removal, excision | cholecystectomy | |
-ectomy | removal, excision | coloproctectomy | |
-ectomy | removal, excision | spleenectomy | |
-gram | record | arteriogram | |
-gram | record | arthrogram | |
-gram | record | angiogram | |
-gram | record | electrocar- diogram | |
-gram | record | encephalo-gram | |
-gram | record | electro- encephalo-gram | |
-graphy | process of recording | encephalography | |
-graphy | process of recording | electrocardiograp hy | |
-graphy | process of recording | radiography | |
-graphy | process of recording | pyelography | |
-ic | pertaining to | gastric | |
-ic | pertaining to | nephric | |
-ic | pertaining to | splenic | |
-ic | pertaining to | hepatic | |
-ic | pertaining to | epiglottic cartilage | |
-ism | condition, process | hypothyroidism | |
-ism | condition, process | hypothymism | |
-ism | condition, process | hyperthymism | |
-itis | inflammation | angiitis | |
-itis | inflammation | encephalitis | |
-itis | inflammation | menigitis | |
-itis | inflammation | osteitis | |
-itis | inflammation | nephritis | |
-itis | inflammation | myelitis | |
-itis | inflammation | arthritis | |
-itis | inflammation | chondritis | |
-itis | inflammation | rhinitis | |
-itis | inflammation | pansinusitis | |
-itis | inflammation | conjunctivitis | |
-itis | inflammation | hepatitis | |
-itis | inflammation | appendicitis | |
-logist | specialist in the study of | neurologist | |
-logist | specialist in the study of | cardiologist | |
-logist | specialist in the study of | nephrologist | |
-logist | specialist in the study of | pathologist | |
-logist | specialist in | gynaecologist the study of | |
-logy | study of | gynaecology | |
-logy | study of | cardiology | |
-logy | study of | dermatology | |
-logy | study of | endocrinology | |
-logy | study of | gastroenterology | |
-logy | study of | haematology | |
-logy | study of | neurology | |
-logy | study of | oncology | |
-logy | study of | ophtalmology | |
-logy | study of | pathology | |
-logy | study of | psychology | |
-logy | study of | rheumatology | |
-osis | abnormal condition | arthrosis | |
-osis | abnormal condition | nephrosis | |
-osis | abnormal condition | varicosis | |
-osis | abnormal condition | hepatosis | |
-scope | instrument to visually examine | coloscope | |
-scope | instrument to visually examine | rectoscope | |
-scope | instrument to visually examine | rhinoscope | |
-scope | instrument to visually examine | bronchoscope | |
-scope | instrument to visually examine | arthroscope | |
-scope | instrument to visually examine | colposcope | |
-scopy | process of visually examination | arthroscopy | |
-scopy | examination process of visually | otoscopy | |
-scopy | examination process of visually | amnioscopy | |
-scopy | process of visually examination | gastroscopy | |
-scopy | examination process of visually | duodenoscopy | |
-scopy | examination process of visually | oesophagoscopy | |
-scopy | examination process of visually | laparoscopy | |
-sis | state of | prognosis | |
-sis | state of | diagnosis | |
-sis | state of | dysostosis | |
-sis | state of | psychosis | |
-sis | state of | arthrosis | |
-sis | state of | chondrosis | |
-sis | state of | hepatosis | |
-tomy | process of cutting, incision | anatomy | |
-tomy | process of incision | duodenotomy |
a-, an- | no, not | anaemia | |
a-, an- | no, not | abacterial | |
a-, an- | no, not | anaesthesia | |
a-, an- | no, not | analgesia | |
a-, an- | no, not | amnesia | |
a-, an- | no, not | anorexia | |
a-, an- | no, not | anosmia | |
a-, an- | no, not | anoxia | |
a-, an- | no, not | anuria | |
aut/o- | self | autoclave | |
aut/o- | self | autopsy | |
aut/o- | self | autogenous | |
aut/o- | self | autodigestion | |
aut/o- | self | autoimmune disease | |
aut/o- | self | autonomic nervous system | |
aut/o- | self | autosuggestion | |
dia- | complete, through | diabetes | |
dia- | complete, through | diabetic coma | |
dia- | complete, through | dialysate | |
dia- | complete, through | diarrhoea | |
dia- | complete, through | diathermy | |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult | dysacousia | |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult | dysaesthesia | |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult | dysentery | |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult | dysfunction | |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult | dyshidrosis | |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult | dyskinesia | |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult | dysmenorrhoea | |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult | dysmnesia | |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult | dysostosis | |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult | dyspepsia | |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult | dysphoria | |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult | dysplasia | |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult | dyspnoea | |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult | dystonia | |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult | dystrophia | |
dys- | bad, painful, difficult | dysuria | |
endo- | within | endocarditis | |
endo- | within | endocrine glands | |
endo- | within | endocrinology | |
endo- | within | endodontitis | |
endo- | within | endolymph | |
endo- | within | endometritis | |
endo- | within | endoparasite | |
endo- | within | endoplasmic reticulum | |
endo- | within | endoscope | |
endo- | within | endoscopy | |
endo- | within | endotracheal tube | |
exo- | outside | exophoria | |
exo- | outside | exophthalmus | |
exo- | outside | exotropia | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hyperacousia | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hyperactivity | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hyperaesthesia | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hyperalgesia | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hyperchromasia | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hyperchylia | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hyperchylia | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hyperextension | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hyperglycaemia | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hyperhidrosis | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hyperkeratosis | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hyperkinesia | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hyperopia | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hyperpyrexia | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hypersensitivity | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hypertension | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hyperthermia | |
hyper- | excessive, more than normal | hyperventilation | |
hypo- | below, less than normal | hypochromasia | |
hypo- | below, less than normal | hypodermic | |
hypo- | below, less than normal | hypodermic injection | |
hypo- | below, less than normal | hypoglycaemic shock | |
hypo- | below, less than normal | hypogonadism | |
hypo- | below, less than normal | hypometropia | |
hypo- | below, less than normal | hyposensitive | |
pro- | before | prodrome | |
pro- | before | proerythrocyte | |
pro- | before | prognosis | |
pro- | before | prolapse | |
re- | back | reanimation | |
re- | back | rebleeding | |
re- | back | rebreathing bag | |
re- | back | recalcification | |
re- | back | recall | |
re- | back | recidivism | |
re- | back | recurrent | |
re- | back | reposition | |
retro- | behind | retroflexion | |
retro- | behind | retrolisthesis | |
retro- | behind | retrosternal pain | |
sub- | under, below | subhepatic | |
sub- | under, below | sublingual gland | |
sub- | under, below | subconscious | |
sub- | under, below | subcutaneous injection | |
sub- | under, below | subcutis | |
trans- | across, through | transfusion | |
trans- | across, through | transurethral | |
trans- | across, through | transmitter | |
trans- | across, through | transplantation |
Unser Körper ist ein Wunderwerk, eine geheimnisvolle Fabrik mit vielen Abteilungen. Wir essen, schlafen, bewegen uns, atmen, denken, sprechen, verdauen Speisen und vieles mehr. Dies ist alles nur möglich, weil jede
„Produktionsstätte“, jede einzelne „Fachabteilung“ -wir können auch Organsystem dazu sagen- mit der anderen Fachabteilung eng zusammenarbeitet. Je nachdem aus welcher Blickrichtung wir unseren Körper betrachten, sehen und analysieren wir ihn.
Der Biologe sieht vor allem die Milliarden von Körperzellen, die helfen, den Körper wachsen, gedeihen und mit den verschiedenen Organen zusammenarbeiten zu lassen. Der Chemiker sieht natürlich an erster Stelle die unzählbaren Atome und Moleküle (Atomverbindungen), die in jeder Sekunde unseres Lebens chemische Reaktionen eingehen. Der Physiologe untersucht die grundlegenden Lebensprozesse (z.B. Enzymreaktionen, hormonelle Regelkreise usw.). Für den Ernährungswissenschaftler ist der menschlichen Körper eine Ansammlung von Proteinen, Kohlenhydrate, Eiweiße, Mineralien, Spurenelemente usw..Für den Ingenieur ist der Körper wiederum eine unglaubliche Biomaschine, die sich selbst kontrolliert und gegebenenfalls auch selbst repariert.
Beschreiben Sie auf deutsch die folgenden Abbildungen „vom Atom“ zum „Körper“:
Levels of organization
The human body is highly organized from the single cell to the total organism.
The anatomy of the human body is composed of different levels of organization. These levels represent a series of steps. Each level is a building step for the next level.
Fill in the answer blanks with the correct terms for these increasingly larger structures.
Using the following terms: cell, organ system, atoms, organism, organelle, organ, molecules, tissue.
Was gehört zusammen? Bitte durch einen Strich verbinden!
The integumentary system | prepares food molecules for use by the cells of the body. | |
The skeletal system | sends signals throughout the body. | |
The skeletal muscles | transports substances to and from body cells. | |
The nervous system | distributes and exchanges gases between the body and external environment. | |
The central nervous system | protects and regulates body temperature. | |
The glands of the endocrine system | produces sex cells. | |
The circulatory system | consists of the brain and spinal cord. | |
The respiratory system | contract to produce body movements. | |
The digestive system | consists of the bones and the articulations (joints). | |
The urinary system | secrete chemical messages called hormones. | |
The male reproductive system | controls the composition and volume of the blood. It eliminates wastes. |
Für den nachfolgenden Text benötigen Sie einige neue Vokabeln. Bitte lernen Sie die Vokabel auswendig bzw. übertragen Sie die deutsch-englischen Begriffe in Ihr Vokabelheft und helfen Sie sich gegenseitig, indem Sie untereinander in der Gruppe die Vokabeln abfragen.
to be part of | |
to call | |
to circulate | |
to compose | |
to consist of | |
to contract | |
to display | |
to function | |
to include | |
to make up | |
to tend to | |
to work together |
body movement | |
circulatory system | |
heart system | |
muscle cell | |
organ | |
organelles | |
organism | |
property | |
tissue |
same | |
several | |
Similar | |
small | |
smaller | |
smallest |
Wenn Sie diesen Grundwortschatz gut auswendig gelernt haben, dürfte Ihnen die folgende Übung nicht mehr schwerfallen!
Work with a partner
Complete the sentences using the nouns in the box.
Dictate the sentences to each other.
Molecules compose the parts of the cell called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
The _ _ _ _ is the smallest unit displaying the properties of life. Cells tend to specialize. Similar cells function together in a _ _ _ _ _ _ . Muscle cells work together in the skeletal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . These cells contract, producing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Two or more tissues work together in an _ _ _ _ _ . The _ _ _ _ _ consists of several tissue types. Organs with related functions are part of the same _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
The heart and the blood vessels are organs of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . They function to circulate the blood throughout the body. All organ systems make up the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . The organ systems of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ include the nervous, circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems.
heart; human body; muscle tissue; body movement; cell; tissue; organelles; organism; organ system; organ; circulatory system;
blood vessels | __________________ |
body movement | __________________ |
cells | __________________ |
circulatory system | __________________ |
digestive system | __________________ |
heart | __________________ |
human body | __________________ |
molecules | __________________ |
muscle cells | __________________ |
muscle tissue | __________________ |
nervous system | __________________ |
organ | __________________ |
organ system | __________________ |
organelles | __________________ |
property | __________________ |
respiratory system | __________________ |
similar | __________________ |
to circulate | __________________ |
to compose | __________________ |
to consist of | __________________ |
to contract | __________________ |
to produce | __________________ |
to specialize. | __________________ |
unit | __________________ |
Match the terms to the following figures.
[ ] skin | [ ] eye | [ ] blood circulation |
[ ] respiratory system | [ ] urinary | [ ] endocrine system |
Was gehört zusammen?
Bitte durch einen Strich verbinden!
Physiology | A tendency of the body´ s system to maintain the normal physiological states of the organism | |
Anatomy | The branch of medicine dealing with the essential nature of disease, especially changes in body tissues and organs that cause or are caused by disease. | |
Metabolism | A branch of morphology that deals with the structure of organisms; the art of separating the parts of an organism in order to ascertain their position, relations, structure, and function | |
Homeostasis | The sum of the processes in the build up and destruction of protoplasm; specifically : the chemical changes in living cells by which energy is provided for vital processes and activities and new material is assimilated | |
Pathology | The branch of biological science that studies and describes how body parts work or function. |
Für den nachfolgenden Text benötigen Sie einige neue Vokabeln. Bitte lernen Sie die Vokabel auswendig bzw. übertragen Sie die deutsch-englischen Begriffe in Ihr Vokabelheft und helfen Sie sich gegenseitig, indem Sie untereinander in der Gruppe die Vokabeln abfragen.
to evaluate | |
to get pregnant | |
to note | |
to protect | |
to support | |
to transmitt | |
to use |
airborne germs | |
birth control | |
blood glucose | |
body | |
breast | |
disease | |
examination | |
heart | |
lungs | |
medical assistant | |
physician | |
radiologist | |
relative | |
skeleton | |
tuberculosis | |
weight gain |
effective | |
ecessive | |
infectious | |
internal | |
Medical | |
nearest | |
plastic | |
Premeal | |
significant | |
various |
Wenn Sie diesen Grundwortschatz gut auswendig gelernt haben, dürfte Ihnen die folgende Übung nicht mehr schwerfallen!
Word formation: adjectives
Work with a partner
Complete the sentences using the adjectives in the box.
Dictate the sentences to each other.
1. The skeleton supports the body and protects the _______________ organ, such as the heart and lungs.
2. The medical assistant noted an ________________________ amount of blood glucose.
3. Your _______________ blood glucose should be between 90 mg/dl and 130 mg/dl.
4. What is the name of your _______________ relative?