Increase Sales & Job-Success with good Writings

Convince people, Word skillfully Concepts Protocols Memos eMails & Business Letters, Learn How to do Content Social Media Marketing

Simone Janson (ed.)

Published by Best of HR -®

Increase Sales & Job-Success with good Writings

1st edition, 13.05.2019

© 2019 Publisher Simone Janson | Best of HR -®

Duesseldorf, Germany

Conception, editing, graphic design & layout: Simone Janson

Cover design with Canva


We make the working world more humane and ecological with our Foundation, e.g. through our well documented Engagement for Climate Protection. As Book Publisher Best of HR –® with a unique Book Concept and eCourses we offer over 20 years of experience in Corporate Publishing - with Clients like Samsung, Otto, Governmental Institutions. From the Top 20-Blogger Simone Janson, referenced in ARD, ZEIT, WELT, Wikipedia .

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All books published by Simone Janson | Best of HR –® are available in German and English language. Please read the notes on machine learning translation at the end of the book.

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Introduction: How this book supports you

Dear readers,

We are delighted that you bought this book and want to use it to help you find information and solve your specific problem - just like thousands of other readers before you.

Add-on, press reviews and customer feedback

Part of your book purchase are therefore also add-ons, working materials that you as a reader can download free of charge from You can find out how to do this by reading on.

The FAZ, one of Germany's most well-known newspapers, certifies one of our titles "well realizable tips", also otherwise our work was recognized by newspapers or specialized media like ZEIT, Süddeutsche, personalmagazin or Personalführung and customers such as the Press and Information Office of the German Federal Government are grateful. Further reviews as well as information on free review copies can be found at

Content of the book

What this book can do for you: You support certified climate protection projects, you quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview in the table of contents) as well as advice that has been tried and tested in practice and that leads step by step to success, also thanks to add-on. Because whether in sales, marketing, social media or storytelling: Almost everywhere in your day-to-day work, you need excellently forumulated texts that help you to reach, move and convince other people. This applies even to business letters, memos or minutes. This book shows what to look for.

In addition, our unique publishing concept offers you many best practice tips and examples from successful managers, entrepreneurs and other exciting personalities.

Structure of the book

Various, possibly contradictory, facts of the topic are dealt with very deliberately. This enables you as a reader to examine and reflect on the various pros and cons aspects of the topic and to weigh them up in the event of a decision.

The clear structure and our special, very detailed table of contents will help you to find the information you require quickly and according to your needs and to put it directly into practice.

Information as desired and additional material to the book!

Under the motto Information as desired we will compile exactly the information you were looking for. The book also includes, for example, an eCourse with worksheet for working through, which you as a reader can obtain free of charge from our academy at You can find out how to do this in the final part of the book.

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In the academy of Best of HR -® you find additional eMail courses with individual setting of tasks, personal support and certificate.

Concept Create Practice Tip: Just Write?
// By Dr. Sonja U. Klug

Many concept builders sink their own ship before they really get going. Writing a good concept, however, is much easier with the right technique than many think.

Structure is important

If you have freed yourself from the pressure of time and gathered all the necessary information, many people face a third, seemingly insurmountable problem:

You have to put the concept into words in a structured way. But that's much easier with the right technology than many think.

"I'm not creative!"

Also, sometimes you hear these infinitely frustrated phrases saying, "I'm not creative, I just can not!" Or you complain about your lack of problem-solving skills, like this:

"I'm really good at researching, processing, and processing information, but I can not think of any new ideas for solving any problems. Somehow I come back to the same ideas that others had before me. "

Everyone is creative!

Creativity is nothing that one simply has and one does not have. Everyone is creative in some way and has come up with many ideas and innovative ideas in their lives, often when they least expect them. I honestly mean that, even if it sounds a bit hackneyed.

Creativity is often merely a new combination of existing knowledge, if you will, new synaptic connections. Creativity therefore consists of looking at facts from new perspectives, asking unusual questions or thinking "around the corner".

Stolpersteine ​​during concept development

The psychologist and business consultant Katja Ischebeck notes, that the ability to conceptually work many professions belongs to the key key competency and that nevertheless 70% of all concepts fail.

In their search for the reasons, Ischebeck 10 has identified typical stumbling blocks - from too fast solutions to seemingly lacking creativity.

Creativity Techniques

Exactly the topic of creativity, we want to take a closer look: In order to wake them up, there are various methods with which you deliberately think across the street or in other oblique paths (please do not take the latter too literally!). And not only that - the use of these methods is also fun!

Sarah Hübinger, for example, gives tips on how to overcome creative blockades. In addition, it helps to develop creative ideas with other people - with colleagues, for example. Where good ideas come, explains this video very beautifully. Here you will find many more tips and suggestions on creativity.

The law of the great number

As in many other spheres of life, the law of large numbers also applies to creativity. First and foremost, it is important to create as many ideas as possible to filter out the best and most innovative ones.

By the way: pressure - if only the self-created pressure to present splendor - inhibits all creativity very reliably. Do not fall into this demotivation trap!

Help Formulate!

Once the good ideas have been found, it is time to formulate: "When I think that I have to formulate a long text linguistically, then I lose all desire to work on the concept. Even at school, I could not write well. "

In fact, the fear of the empty sheet is often due to unpleasant experiences during school, which often have a lasting impact on life. Get free! Everyone can write, and no one expects an authorically completed, but only a readable, usable text from you.

This text is from the book "Konzepte ausarbeiten: Tools und Techniken für Pläne, Berichte, Bücher und Projekte (2004)" by Dr. Sonja U. Klug, published at BusinessVillage Verlag, and was left to us for reprint.

eMails To formulate clearly: 7 steps
// By Prof. Dr. Martin-Niels Däfler

The electronic mailbox is chronically overcrowded in many professionals and executives, the ad "eMailInput "distracts tens of times a day from the actual work and you also receive messages that neither interest you nor gain information.

Step 1: Do the goodness test

But of course it is also important that you are the recipient of your own eMailAlso, do not moan when receiving this e-mail from you. How that works, you will learn now.

Is the eMail really necessary

Ask yourself if the recipient is yours eMail really needed. Whether it really is necessary, one eMail to send or not, you can easily with the so-called "floor question" clarify: Would you this eMail even if you print them and put three floors higher on the table of the recipient?

If you can not wholeheartedly affirm this question, there is much to suggest that the eMail actually is unnecessary. Then you should leave it. Also, consider whether one eMail is the right medium for your message or whether other formats (letter, phone call, fax) are more suitable for your request.

Privacy Protection

Before you one eMail you should check if this is confidential or personal information. If so, disregard these by eMail to send. You never know which way one eMail takes. With a few mouse clicks, this is forwarded and may end up with recipients for whom the content is not determined.

Step 2: Formulate a clear and meaningful subject line

This is the most important and, for some, the most difficult task in writing eMails: To express in a few words what it is about. The first thing the recipient reads is the subject line. These and the name of the sender are the two most important criteria for the recipient to judge the importance of a mail.

In addition, the more meaningful the subject line is, the easier it is for the recipient to grasp the core content of the message at a glance; and the easier it is to archive the mail or find it again in a directory as needed.

The longer, the more precise

Therefore: Write a long subject line - the longer the subject, the more precisely you can inform the recipient. So for example instead of "order" would be better "Open points to order from the 23.02.2010".

Use verbs, if possible, to make it clearer. So instead of "shipping confirmation" write "your order from 11.02.2010 has been shipped". Also mention in the subject line - where it makes sense - what the recipient has to do ("For info", "With the request to settle") and what urgency your eMail has.

Answer W questions

In the body of yours eMail are given detailed information and answers to the "W questions" given:

As you have often had to experience for yourself, long, contentless texts are not reading pleasure. Therefore, do not put aside all formal expressions, so do not say, for example, in the case of a speech, "The Board addressed the issue of finance" but "The Board announced that ...".

The end of your eMail

The foot of one eMail contains (additional) service information, information on the company or sender ("footer") and the contact details of the press officer. The service information should include any event entry fees or brochures fees.

The name of the venue is clearly indicated by street, house number and town. For appointments, you should supplement the day of the week.

Subject like file path

Best tip to finish: Try to build your subject lines such as file or directory names. In doing so, divide in deductive form, that is to say: first call the general and then the special. Use the slash "/" or the arrow key ">" to disconnect.

For example, this could look like this: "Apprenticeship Training> Seminar, Career License"> Request for Appointments ".

eMails perfect write: 7 steps
// By Prof. Dr. Martin-Niels Däfler

eMails are all too often written carelessly and sent just as carelessly - after all, it does not cost anything and it should go fast. Have along eMailToday, the business unit letters as well as repressed. Therefore, it is important, too eMailWrite care to act.

Step 3: Formulate the salutation and the main part