John Weathers

Beautiful Bulbous Plants for the Open Air

Published by Good Press, 2019
EAN 4064066237028

Table of Contents



Table of Contents

Although many articles have appeared from time to time in the horticultural newspapers and periodicals dealing with various aspects of the subject, it cannot be said that Bulbous Plants have hitherto received the attention they deserve in gardening literature. This volume therefore appears at an opportune moment to meet a recognised want, and in fulfilment of the promise made in the preface to "Beautiful Garden Flowers."

While Bulbous Plants as a class have been somewhat neglected, it may be noted that one or two families have been dealt with specially in years gone by. In this connection mention may be made of the magnificent "Monograph of the Genus Lilium," by Mr. H. J. Elwes; the "Narcissus, its History and Culture," by Mr. F. W. Burbidge, M.A., and Mr. J. G. Baker, F.R.S.; a "History of the Genus Crocus," by the Hon. and Rev. Dean Herbert, whose original drawings and MS. notes are preserved in the Lindley Library. Mr. Geo. Maw has also dealt specially with the "Crocus"; and more recently the Rev. Eugene Bourne with the "Daffodil"; Miss Jekyle and Mr. Goldring with "Lilies," &c.

A glance at the coloured plates will perhaps be sufficient to give the reader a good idea as to the numerous kinds of Bulbous Plants now grown in gardens, and of the marvellous range of colour to be found in their blossoms. It has not been considered advisable to include in this volume such hothouse bulbous plants as Eucharis, Crinum, Hymenocallis, Pancratium, but only those kinds that are most likely to give general, if not universal, satisfaction when grown in the open air according to the cultural instructions to be found under the heads of the various genera.

In the preparation of this work I have to acknowledge my indebtedness to the Director of the Royal Gardens, Kew, through whose kindness I have had opportunities for examining the bulbs or corms of the rarer plants referred to in the letterpress.

I also owe my best thanks for the specimens kindly supplied to illustrate the work by A. Worsley, Esq., of Isleworth; Messrs. Barr and Son, of Covent Garden; Messrs. Wallace and Company, of Colchester; Messrs. Ware, of Feltham; and Mr. Perry, of Winchmore Hill.



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1. Ixias (Frontispiece) 1–6 18. Camassia Cusicki 70
2. Scilla sibirica multiflora 7 Lilium pyrenaicum 71
Galanthus nivalus 8 Allium Erdelii 72
Chionodoxa Luciliæ 9 Ixiolirion Pallasi 73
Hyacinthus azureus 10 19. Ornithogalum pyramidale 74
3. Bulbous Irises: Brevoortia Ida-Maia 75
I. Histrio 11 Brodiæa laxa 76
I. Bakeriana 12 Brodiæa ixioides 77
I. Kolpakowskyana 13 20. Galtonia candicans 78
I. Danfordiæ 14 Sisyrinchium grandiflorum 79
I. persica 15 Brodiæa Howelli lilacina 80
4. Daffodils: 21. Early-flowering Gladioli 81–83
Ellen Willmott 16 22. Calochortus venustus 84
Mdme. de Graaff 17 Calochortus albus 85
Horsfieldi 18 Calochortus pulchellus 86
5. Daffodils: 23. Gladiolus oppositiflorus 87
Cyclamineus 19 Lilium canadense, vars. 88–89
Triandrus albus 20 24. Lilium tigrinum 90
Princess Mary of Cambridge 21 Brodiæa Bridgesi 91
Gloria Mundi 22 25. Lilium tenuifolium 92
Sir Watkin 23 Lilium Hansoni 93
6. Daffodils: Lilium longiflorumb 94
Grand Monarque 24 26. Lilium Martagon album 95
Soleil d'or 25 Watsonia Ardernei 96
Weardale perfection 26 Lilium rubellum 97
Lulworth 27 Lilium colchicum 98
7. Gardenia Narcissus 28 27. Watsonia Meriana 99
Poet's Narcissus 29 Watsonia alba 100
Hyacinthus amethystinus 30 Watsonia angusta 101
8. Fritillarias: Montbretia crocosmiæflora 102
F. Moggridgei 31 28. Gladiolus Nanceianus 103
F. Walujewi 32 Gladiolus Lemoineib 104
F. Meleagris alba 33 Gladiolus Childsi 105
F. recurva 34 29. Zephyranthes Atamasco 106
9. Tulips 35–38 Ornithogalum arabicum 107
10. Tulips 39–42 Ornithogalum nutans 108
11. Hyacinths 43–46 30. Crinum Moorei 109
12. Leucojum vernum 47 Tigridia lilacea 110
Muscari conicum 48 31. Belladonna Lily 111
Erythronium Johnsoni 49 Dierama pulcherrima 112
Tecophilæa cyanocrocus 50 32. Tulbaghia violacea 113
13. Brodiæa uniflora 51–52 Zephyranthes candida 114
Chionodoxa sardensisb 53 Crinum Powelli album 115
Erythronium Dens-Canis 54–55 Lycoris squamigerab 116
14. English Irises 56–59 33. Crocus medius 117
15. Spanish Irises 60–63 Colchicum speciosum 118
16. Madonna Lily 64 Sternbergia lutea 119
Fritillaria imperialis, vars. 65–66 Sternbergia macrantha 120
17. Lilium croceum 67 Crocus ochroleucus 121
Allium Moly 68 Crocus speciosus 122
Scilla peruviana albab 69

  • Preface
  • List of Plates
  • Index
  • Introduction
  • Geographical Distribution
  • Something about Bulbs and Corms
  • Soil for Bulbous Plants
  • Hints to Beginners
  • How Deep should Bulbs be Planted?
  • Natural Sinking of Bulbs and Corms
  • Bulbs without Contractile Roots
  • Propagation of Bulbous Plants:— By Offsets, Bulbils, Leaf-Scales, Division, Seeds.
  • Lifting and Storing Bulbs
  • Combinations of Bulbous and Non-Bulbous Plants
  • Naturalising Bulbous Plants in the Grass
  • Bulbous Plants under Trees and Shrubs
  • Bulbous Plants for Cut Flowers
  • Bulbous Plants for Cold Greenhouses
  • Bulbous Plants for Window Boxes
  • Descriptions, Culture, Propagation, &c. of the Best Bulbous Plants for the Open Air
  • Enemies of Bulbous Plants
  • Manuring Bulbous Plants


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Acis Habranthus Lily Mariposa
Ajax Daffodils Homeria Lily Orange
Allium Hyacinth, Grape Lily Sacred
Amaryllis Hyacinth, Musk Lily Swamp
Angel's Tears Hyacinth, Ostrich feather Lily Tiger
Anomatheca Hyacinth, Star Lily Turk's Cap
Antholyza Hyacinth, Wood Lime
Babiana Hyacinths in glasses Liver of Sulphur
Baboon Root Hyacinths in pots Lycoris
Basal rot Hyacinthus Madonna Lily [1] [2]
Basic Slag Iris Manures for Bulbs
Beginners, Hints to Iris, English Meadow Saffron
Belladonna Lily Iris, Spanish Merendera
Bessera Ixia Merodon
Bicolor Daffodils Ixiolirion Milla
Bloomeria Jacobæa Lily Montbretia
Bluebell Jonquil Muscari
Bluebell Spanish Jonquil, Queen Anne's Narcissus
Bobartia Joss Flower Narcissus Fly
Bravoa Kainit [1] [2] Narcissus Poet's
Brevoortia Lapeyrousia Narcissus Polyantha
Brodiæa Leaf-scales Narcissus Tazetta
Bulbils Leaves, importance of Narcissus When to plant
Bulbocodium Lent Lily Naturalising bulbs
Bulbs, buying Leopard Lily Nitrate of soda
Bulbs, and corms Leucojum Nothoscordum
Bulbs, in grass Lilium Offsets
Bulbs, lifting Lilium, Alexandræ Orange Lily
Bulbs, sinking of Lilium, auratum Ornithogalum
Bulbs, storing Lilium, Batemanniæ Pancratium
Butter and Eggs Lilium, Bloomerianum Planting bulbs
Calochortus Lilium, Browni Polianthes
Calliprora lutea Lilium, bulbiferum Poor Men's Orchids
Camassia Lilium, Burbanki Propagation
Camass Root Lilium, canadense Puschkinia
Chionodoxa Lilium, candidum Quamash
Chiono-Scilla Lilium, Catesbæi Roots, contractile
Chlorogalum Lilium, chalcedonicum Sacred Lily
Cloves Lilium, colchicum Salicylic Acid
Codlins and Cream Lilium, concolor Salt
Colchicum Lilium, cordifolium Schizostylis
Combinations with Bulbs Lilium, croceum Scilla
Contractile Roots Lilium, Dalhansoni Seed sowing
Corbularia Lilium, dauricum Sisyrinchium
Corms Lilium elegans Snowdrop
Corn Flag Lilium, excelsum Snowflake
Corn Lily Lilium, giganteum Soap Plant
Crinum Lilium, Grayi Soil for bulbs
Crocosma Lilium, Hansoni Soot
Crocus Lilium, Henryi Sparaxis
Crocus Autumn [1] [2] Lilium, Humboldti Sparrows
Crocus Chilian Lilium, japonicum Spawn
Crocus Cloth of Gold Lilium, kewense Sprekelia
Crocus Cloth of Silver Lilium, Krameri Squill
Cut Flowers, bulbs for Lilium, lancifolium Star of Bethlehem
Cyclobothra Lilium, Leichtlini Star of Bethlehem yellow
Daffodils Lilium, Loddigesianum Sternbergia
Daffodils Ajax Lilium, longiflorum Storing bulbs
Daffodils Bicolor Lilium, maritimum Superphosphate
Daffodils Hooped Petticoat Lilium, Marhan Swamp Lily
Daffodils Star Lilium, Martagon Sword Lily
Daffodils in Scilly Isles Lilium, monadelphum Tecophilæa
Daffodils Tenby Lilium, pardalinum Tiger Flower
Dierama Lilium, pomponium Tiger Lily
Dog's Tooth Violet Lilium, Parryi Tigridia
Enemies of bulbous plants Lilium, pyrenaicum Trees and Shrubs, bulbs under
Erythronium Lilium, Roezli Tritonia
Eucomis Lilium, rubellum Tuberose
Ferraria Lilium, speciosum Tulbaghia
Fire Cracker, Californian Lilium, superbum Tulip
Flag, Corn Lilium, Szovitsianum Tulip, Cottage
Flowers, when to pick Lilium, tenuifolium Tulip, Darwin
Fritillaria Lilium, testaceum Tulip, Dragon
Fungoid diseases Lilium, Thunbergianum Tulip, Mayflowering
Gagea Lilium, tigrinum Tulip, Parrot
Galanthus Lilium, umbellatum Tulip, Seedling
Galtonia Lilium, Washingtonianum Tulip, Star
Ganymede's Cup Lilies, distribution of Tulip, Wild
Gladiolus Lilies, planting Turk's Cap Lily
Glory of the Snow Lilies, for damp soils Watsonia
Grass, bulbs in the Lily Disease Window boxes, bulbs for
Green leaves, value of Lily of the Field Winter Daffodil
Greenhouses, bulbs for Lily Jacobæa Wireworms
Grubs Lily Leopard Zephyranthes
Lily Madonna [1] [2] Zephyr Flower


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The cultivation of Bulbous Plants has reached a point of popularity at the present day that it has never before attained. And there is every reason to believe that this popularity is increasing from year to year as more people become better acquainted with these plants, and the ease with which the great majority of them may be grown in almost any garden. Indeed there are now so many kinds of bulbous plants that there is no difficulty in making a selection to suit the smallest garden or the most modest purse.

Of course, some kinds, such as Tulips, Daffodils and Narcissi, Hyacinths, Crocuses, Snowdrops, Scillas, Bluebells, Chionodoxas, Grape Hyacinths, Lilies, Colchicums, Gladioli, and Montbretias, will be always probably amongst the first favourites with garden lovers. But there is no reason why the Mariposa Lilies and Star Tulips, the Brodiæas and Millas, the Sternbergias and Fritillarias, and many others should not in the course of time become almost equally popular when they become better known.

Some kinds of bulbous plants have been known in British Gardens—and no doubt in continental ones also—ever since such a thing as gardening proper came to be distinguished from mere agriculture. Our native or naturalised bulbs—such as the Snake's Head Fritillary (Fritillaria Meleagris), the Yellow Star of Bethlehem (Gagea lutea), as well as the white ones (Ornithogalum nutans, pyrenaicum, and umbellatum), the Autumn Crocus (Colchicum autumnale), the Lent Lily or Daffodil (Narcissus Pseudo-Narcissus), the Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis), the Snowflake (Leucojum vernum), the Grape Hyacinth (Muscari racemosum), the Squill (Scilla verna), and the Bluebell (S. festalis), the Martagon Lily (Lilium Martagon), and the Wild Tulip (Tulipa sylvestris) have been grown as garden plants for 400 years or more.

The great monastic establishments were the seats of gardening as of learning, and it is in connection with them we find the first traces of bulbous or any other plants being intelligently cultivated. Besides the plants mentioned, our earliest garden records show that such bulbous plants as the Dog's Tooth Violet (Erythronium Dens-Canis), the Crown Imperial (Fritillaria imperialis), Gladiolus communis, the Garden Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis), the Madonna Lily (Lilium candidum), the Poet's Narcissus and the Jonquil (N. poeticus and N. Jonquilla), the Star Hyacinth (Scilla amoena), the Lily of the Field (Sternbergia lutea), and Gesner's Tulip (T. Gesneriana), were among the first kinds cultivated from the beginning of the 16th century, and they are all more popular to-day than ever. Following these we find such Tulips as suaveolens and Clusiana, the yellow-flowered Onion (Allium Moly), the Cloth of Gold Crocus (C. Susianus), the Byzantine Gladiolus (G. byzantinus), and others in the 17th century. The beginning of the 18th century saw the introduction to our gardens of the Belladonna Lily (Amaryllis Belladonna), and later on the Babianas, Ixias, and other Gladioli like blandus, cuspidatus, and cardinalis.

It is to the 19th century, however, that we owe not only many introductions of new kinds, but also the development of the great enterprise that has been shown in their extensive cultivation, and the natural methods of using them in the garden.

To this period, and especially to the latter half of it, belong most of our fine Lilies, Bulbous Irises, Mariposa Lilies and Star Tulips, Brodiæas, Chionodoxas, Scillas, and American Dog's Tooth Violets. It has also been the age when the florist's varieties of Gladiolus, Daffodils, Tulips, Hyacinths, and Crocuses have been brought almost, if not quite, to the acme of perfection by intelligent cultivation and careful selection.

All this has led to the growth of many kinds of bulbous plants having become a huge industry. Dutch bulbs have for many generations been famous, and many kinds will, no doubt, continue to retain their hold upon the public owing to the undoubted advantage of the climate under which they are grown. But experience has proved that such bulbous plants as Tulips and Daffodils at least can be grown equally well in some parts of the British Islands, notably in Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire, the Scilly Isles, and parts of Ireland. It has been stated that over five hundred millions of bulbs are used for decorative purposes in Great Britain alone every year, and that the value of imported bulbs ranges from £5,000,000 to £8,000,000 annually.

The growth of Daffodils and Narcissi alone in the Scilly Isles within the past forty years has been nothing less than phenomenal. Mr. T. A. Dorrien-Smith, of Tresco Abbey, has stated that the first lot of flowers was sent to Covent Garden Market about 1865, and realised £1. It was not, however, until about 1880 that Daffodil growing in these Islands became at all remunerative, and some idea of their growth since then may be gained from the fact (vouched for by the same authority) that 65 tons of flowers were exported from the Scilly Isles in 1885, 85 tons in 1886, 100 tons in 1887, 188 tons in 1888, and 198 tons in 1889; and on one day alone—the 25th February, 1896—30-½ tons of Narcissi, comprising 3,258,000 blooms in 4,849 boxes, were shipped to Penzance for market. Cultivation on such an extensive scale, of course, means a considerable reduction in price, and, from a commercial point of view, ordinary Daffodil growing may be said to have reached bedrock prices a long time ago.

However, of late years, our American cousins have taken a keen interest in the importation of bulbs from Europe, and as gardening is a comparatively new industry in that extensive country, we may expect that it will afford a good market for many years to come. Not many years ago certain kinds of Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinths, &c., were a drug in the English markets, and could be had at a very low price. Since, however, the Americans have become fond of bulb-growing, these particular kinds have advanced considerably in price, in some cases 100 to 150 per cent., because it so happened they were just the sorts that were liked on the other side of the Atlantic.


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It is curious to note in this respect that almost every part of the temperate and sub-tropical regions of the globe have contributed some class of bulbous plants now to be found in cultivation. Central and Southern Europe and Northern Africa have supplied us with various Daffodils and Narcissi, Tulips, &c. From Asia Minor and Turkestan, the Chionodoxas, and many bulbous Irises and Fritillarias have been introduced. California and other parts of North America have produced the Mariposa Lilies, all the Dog's Tooth Violets, except the common British one, the Brodiæas, &c.; while South Africa has given us the Gladiolus, Montbretias, and Tritonias, Crocosma, and other beautiful plants. And the Lilies, which form a large group in themselves, are to be found in almost every temperate clime north of the equator (see page 95).

When these facts are borne in mind, the reader will readily understand the necessity of trying to imitate, as far as possible, in our own climate the various natural conditions under which these plants are found.




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There is so much confusion of thought as to what a "bulbous" plant really is, that it may be as well at the beginning of this volume to endeavour to clear up the haziness that exists in regard to the matter. It seems to be taken for granted that any plant with a swollen or thickened stem or rootstock is a "bulbous" one. And this impression is no doubt confirmed when one consults the bulb catalogues issued by nurserymen. In these publications—chiefly, no doubt, for the sake of convenience and to avoid unnecessary extra expense in printing—a large number of plants are enumerated as if they were really bulbous. It is, therefore, not at all unnatural that the amateur should come to the conclusion that everything mentioned between the covers of a bulb catalogue should be truly bulbous in nature. Even some publications on bulbous plants have adopted the same loose nomenclature. Thus we find such non-bulbous plants as Aconites, Anemones, Dahlias, Dicentras, Day-Lilies, Hepaticas, Solomon's Seal, Astilbe japonica, Tropæolums, Lily of the Valley, Corydalis, Torch Lilies, Pæonies, Christmas Roses, and many others described as "bulbous" plants, while some that are really so, and worthy of cultivation, are not even mentioned.

Some of the plants referred to above have thickened stems or roots, and will be found described in their proper places in the companion volume to this—"Beautiful Garden Flowers." They belong to several different families of plants. True bulbous plants, however (with which we may include those having "corms"), are confined to very few families. Indeed, they are restricted to one of the two large groups of flowering plants, viz., that in which the leaves usually have parallel veins, and the flowers have their parts in circles of three or six. This group of plants is known to botanists as "monocotyledons," and is still further distinguished by having only one seed-leaf, as may be seen when the seeds of any of them sprout, as shown in the Tulip, p. 35.