Guiding people & seeing through power, NLP communication rhetoric body language, influence human behaviour, achieve your goals
Simone Janson (ed.)
Published by Best of HR -®
The German National Library lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; Detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at
ISBN of the German eBook edition: 9783965961746
ISBN of the English eBook edition: 9783965961753
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Manipulation Techniques - Psychology of Persuasion
1st edition, 03.06.2020
© 2020 Publisher Simone Janson | Best of HR®
Duesseldorf, Germany
Concept, editing, graphic design & layout: Simone Janson
Cover design with Canva
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What this book can do for you: You support certified climate protection projects, you quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview in the table of contents) as well as advice that has been tried and tested in practice and that leads step by step to success, also thanks to add-on. Because the Machiavellian art of manipulation has a bad reputation. Influencing other people is something that each of us uses every day. It is all the more important to understand and recognize these interpersonal power games as well as communicative tricks and tactics of other people. Ultimately, whoever has power determines the direction and can achieve his goals. Seeing through manipulative strategies therefore creates a considerable degree of personal freedom. And this book shows what is important.
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People want to be close to others, they want to be part of a working relationship. This social desire also makes us susceptible to manipulation of all kinds.
Congenital reflexes in infants mean that they prefer to focus on other people. The babies turn their heads when they hear a human voice or smile when they see a human face. Adults want to be close to others, they want to be part of a working relationship.
We are thinking about what others think of us. We try to be attractive and interesting. Humans are social creatures. They have a need for social proximity, after contact with others. Relations with other people are a reward for this need - we get attention, support, status, confirmation and more.
Bibb Latané formulated the theory of social effect. He postulates that social influence is determined by the factors strength, proximity and frequency. The strength is dependent on the status, skills and connection to the audience. The closer a source is, the greater its effect.
You will find out how you can use the spatial proximity to convince others. First of all, we maintain that proximity to other people creates a greater degree of similarity. If we see people even more often, then you will trust us alone, because we often see them near us.
Repetition leads to familiarity, familiarity leads to familiarity, familiarity is more sympathetic to us. This is precisely the case for the people around us. Robert Zajonc demonstrated that people found a stimulus like words or faces more interesting and pleasant the more they were confronted with it. Even when we see people more often, we attribute to them even more powerful features, such as honesty or intelligence.
Viewed from this perspective, the large number of savings bank or Volksbanken branches no longer seems to us as a great service. Just by the fact that we meet so often at their branches and they have in our vicinity, they seem to us trustworthy. This is a clear mistake, because the number of branches does not say anything about the actual performance of the financial products.
The spatial proximity to other people, in turn, is an important factor in interpersonal attraction. Despite the many possibilities in social networks, the most important interactions occur between people who are in the same place. Even our partners are usually found among people who are close to us long enough - at the university, at the workplace or in the sports club.
The need to interact with people in the local environment is so great that there are also Internet offerings in the USA. These have set themselves the task of networking people with virtual offers analogously. The social network Nextdoor wants to bring together people who live close to one another.
On the website, users can search for their neighborhood help search or offers, but also warnings, for example, from burglars set. Nextdoor has partnered with 170 cities and police in the US. Time magazine ranked it as one of the fifty best websites in the world last year. Currently, one in four communities in the US is registered, more than 40.000.
No wonder that it also makes it very easy to manipulate people: building sympathy and closeness is a crucial part of any sales strategy. I rather believe friends, I trust their advice. Trust is built through similarity. And a lot is manipulated here.
If people wear similar clothes or share the same preferences, confidence increases. Common hobbies, shared activities, maybe even common friends - and it is already with the hesitant customer.
But why is it like that? Why do we have this instinctive need to look for friends, and more importantly, why let us influence them? The simple answer: people need the emotional proximity to others.
The two-factor theory of emotion, formulated by Stanley Schachter and Jerome Everett Singer, two American psychologists, describes how we interpret our own information, depending on the behavior of other people. In one experiment, a small dose of adrenaline was administered to subjects, causing a condition of mild excitement (heart beat, blushing, mild tremors). Some of the investigators were enlightened about this, another part was not, others were given a placebo.